CoreIT together with partners DATASYS, S.ICZ and TOTAL SERVICE invites you to the first Czech online Zabbix Meetup.
You can look forward to the presentation of our colleague Lukáš Malý and other leading Czech partners, which intertwine through the portfolio of Zabbix monitoring, and the invitation was accepted by the founder and CEO of Zabbix, Alexei Vladishev.
WHEN: October 15, 2020, we start at 10:00
KDE: online via the ZOOM platform
REGISTRATION (free): here
The program of the entire Meetup, including detailed information about the presentations, can be found on the website CoreIT.
- Tomáš Heřmánek, CTO of CoreIT, who will guide you through the whole event, and his presentation is entitled “Connection of Zabbix to Jira Service Desk”
- Lukáš Malý from DATASYS with the presentation “Zabbix as a basis for the SIEM system”.
- Alois Zadražil on behalf of S.ICZ and its presentation “Monitoring the Zabbix server by another Zabbix server”.
- Filip Horák will represent TOTAL SERVICE with the presentation “One rules for all”.